I started my first company Jotjoy when I was 22 back in 2017. Since then, I listened to a good number podcast episodes on founder stories and read plenty of biographies. The evolution of a company or the product always intrigued me. Every single founder starts to solve a problem and then something big happens. Investors pour in a lot of money to achieve hyper scale and growth. As time goes by, many products lose their very essence driven by the decisions made by the board of directors, influenced by profit maximization and rapid growth.
My curiosity about knowing different ways to do business led me to take a class on Transformative Sustainability Entrepreneurship in my master’s degree. I can’t thank George and Arnim enough, who conducts this class at ASU for all their insights. As I kept thinking about the ways to do business differently, the concept of WESCOOP emerged in my mind. WESCOOP can provide an alternate way to build software companies. The companies whose sole aim is not rapid growth and profit maximization. The companies that don’t target our biochemical feedback system to make us spend more time or sell us to advertisers. By creating a cooperative structure, companies can focus on the quality of their product and the satisfaction of their customers, instead of solely focusing on profit. WESCOOP provides a way to leverage web3 based decentralized governance and shared human resources.
Read full white paper here: WESCOOP