The day round exercise - for desk workers

As a startup founder, I got incredibly busy with my work - working over 13 hours a day. As much as I love hitting the gym or going for a run, my work commitment come in my way more often than not. Eventually I figured out a way to squeeze in a minimum of 20 minute total workout duration a day. This article explains how I do it.

The flexibility that I have with my work is that I have the freedom to work from home, wear anything I like while working, and take breaks anytime. I use modified Pomodoro technique using Pointron app (We built this app 😉) during my day to chunk work into 20 minute intervals with 2 minute break in between.

I started to perform quick HIIT exercise in these breaks. Performing these workouts in these 2 minute breaks for a minimum of 10 times would aggregate my total exercise minutes to 20 minutes a day. This felt very doable and guess what, I also noticed benefits like the brain fog getting cleared, and increased speed of thought throughout the day.

If the reason for us to exercise everyday is that our bodies are Paleolithic and we are struggling to adapt to modern lifestyle, then lets change our modern lifestyle (given the work flexibility) to be more Paleolithic. Our hunter gatherer ancestors never did a 1-2 hour workout in a gym and then sat under a tree all day long. Their workout was all day long, everyday.

Lets keep it moving!

Quick tip: Combine this with a standing desk (and a minimum of 60% of stand working) to circumvent the chair potato problem.