Just Indian things toxicity - Part 1
What is your sense of purpose of life?
“My kids are my sense of purpose of life. I will have kids even if I cannot afford to support their livelihood or education. Then I will work really hard to make ends meet and provide education to them. Then, I will dictate their life on whom they can date, what they will do with their income, when they can leave the home and whom they can marry. After all, our life purpose is our children and we have the right to control it. And they have to satisfy us as we sacrificed our life for them”
- answers a parent
“We are not like other parents, we let our kids decide everything and they have the entire freedom.
Like which degree to choose (options: engineering, medicine, engineering).
Like which clothes to wear, when to wakeup and sleep, when to bath, when to sit, when to stand… (options: whichever the parent likes)
We let our kids do extra curricular activities (but only for time pass - not as a career).
We let our kids do anything (but only between 9 AM to 6 PM)”
- answers a proud parent
Just clear high school exam with good score, this will be last thing that we need from you.
Just clear JEE exam and your life is all set.
Just get a job which we can proudly share with our friends, relatives and we will not bother you again.
You are 28 now (25 for women), when will you get married? We sacrificed all our life for you.
Marry this person from our caste before you turn 30 as your responsibility and return of love for us.
Lets spend all our life savings on marriage so that everyone thinks we are great. Then, work our ass off to pay installments for the most important things of our life."
- chronology of a parent’s requests (or demands)
“You should not speak to the person whom we have chosen to be your life partner until marriage.”
- exclaims another parent from another religion.
“We will send matches for your potential life partner to you after each one of our family members are satisfied. We will look at the person looks, height, weight, color, caste, religion, astrology, numerology, phrenology, iridology, ufology, their family, their 7 generations of family, their great grand father’s hair color, their dog, their washroom, their detergent soap etc”
- replies a family to a 29 year mature adult who wants to get married