How our state affects us?

our bodies and biochemistry…

The Human Input — Output project (part 1 : Data Collection) #

Last Sept, I joined a part-time job at ASU (my grad school) which mandated me to play with data. That’s when I started dipping my feet into the ocean of data science. I started small by learning Microsoft Excel and playing with pivot tables. Soon enough, I found myself applying the learning to my daily life and research. As time went by in the past year, I dived deeper into data science and later into machine learning. However, this series of articles is all about how I started performing data collection and analysis for one of my personal research projects and the challenges I faced during the process.

The preface to I/O project #

I am that kind of guy who binge reads any book that is in any way connected to the human mind, psychology, and human productivity. I have learned enough about how we, the Homo sapiens function mentally starting from expectations until emotions. While I was on this pursuit, I noticed that I was completely blinded to see the other half of the picture. That is “How our physical state affects our action?”. I got even more curious after I started learning about epigenetics, physiology, and the human microbiome.

The fig ?? illustrates the premise behind my research project.

So, I embarked on my pursuit to find correlations between the food we eat, our activity, our sleep, and our action. I will start by explaining the various stages of my data analysis which I am currently implementing, followed by my trials and challenges. The current article covers the first part of it: The Data Collection

Data Collection #

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