It was midday of second monday in the first month of 2018. while I was on my way to city I met Selvarai, a 65 year old retired bank employee from Madurai. He is short with typical south Indian features wearing a light coloured shirt. He came to Hyderabad to accompany his only daughter who came here to complete her final semester project work in IIT Hyderabad.
At the bus stop, he looked perplexed about the buses which takes him to Railway Station and asked my help. As I was destined on the same route, I asked him to join me. My scholarly backpack and formal attire gave him clues to guess that I am from the same IIT. After confirming with me that I am working in IIT, he started narrating how he happened to come to this place.
He is a typical middle-class tamilian with enormous respect towards education. He is making preparations to support his daughter who is aspiring to do her Masters abroad.
I will do anything just to make sure that my daughter fulfills her dream of higher education. I am making all sort of preparations to send her to whichever country she sought to do her Masters.
That one hour conversation which I had with him made me travel through his life and see things in a completely different prespective. I got an answer which I am seeking from many days. This answer endorsed an action of mine making me feel relieve after many days.
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