Finally, I found peace with my Desktop

my love story with Wavebox…

I was restless! I was relentlessly restless until I found **Wavebox** yesterday.

On average, I spend over 70% of my day in front of a desktop computer. Internet browser and an enormous number of web applications are always open on my computer. Using the minimal window management systems provided by Windows and macOS and not-so-organizable chromium-based browsers, I always found myself looking for some new tool that relieves me of the pain of using a Desktop. (I have a Mac mini and a Surface pro).

It’s been a year since I started looking out and I didn’t find any application that solves the problem. Many tiny tools on macOS relieved me from the pain of organizing desktop, but none of them addressed the elephant in the room. I use a combination of Workspaces, Slidepad, Magnet, and Coherence on my mac.

In my pursuit, I tried Shift, Rambox, Basaas, Franz, Station, Workona and numerous other apps/extensions. Shift is the application that got closest to what I had in my mind. But, working with shift is a pain as it was built using electron and it hijacks our computer’s resources leaving us with a very low performing computer. There are other drawbacks to Shift, including limited extensions, cluttered browser tabs, a space-consuming sidebar, and slower performance. Sidebar, really? Yes, this is crucial because all web apps already come with sidebars and this makes workspace browsers a little messy.

After rigorous searching (I don’t know why Wavebox didn’t show up anywhere), I have decided to build a workspace browser application myself. But, I don’t want to use electron to achieve this task. Very recently, I took the courage to start a project using Chromium despite reading online suggestions, not to venture into time-consuming browser development. But, the problem was real.

Yesterday, while I was showing some appreciation to the development teams of all the products I love, I bumped into Wavebox on Product hunt while I am reading comments on Slidepad. That was it. Chromium + app groups + web apps + session management + pins + ultra-slim sidebar 🙂 + all chrome extensions + sleep mode 💤 + workspaces and workflows + the list goes on… This is more than perfect and I couldn’t imagine myself building such a powerful beast (at least, not in a year).

Thanks Wavebox team for bringing this to life. Please approve my student discount quickly😉!

P.S: Other web applications which I fell in love at the first sight include NotionMiroClickUpFigmaDiscord.