Fleeting us

changing we and choosing a partner

Instead of looking at common interests, likes, and dislikes… Is it not important to look at the rate of change in our lives when we choose a partner?

We, humans, change. As said by many great humans who ever lived on this planet “The only constant in our lives is change”. Choosing a life partner is one of the most important decisions that we ever make in our lives. And yet we focus so much on our current selves’ likes and dislikes, completely ignoring the fact that those preferences might no longer be relevant in the future.

If we examine our lives closely, we may find some answers to what we are actually curious about and where we might be heading in our lives. So, even before we start debating whether having similar interests or opposing interests will make a relationship magical, we may first need to reflect on the rate of change and probable paths where we are heading…

We may need to reflect on how we changed over the past few years. Then find out what we are curious about and understand how we might change in the future. Later, choose our partner according to their curiosity and how it might either embrace or undermine ours. And when it’s time to think about common interests or preferences, no two humans are exactly similar and every two humans have at least something in common.

📝 The bottom line is, time is a powerful force. It transforms our preferences. It reshapes our values. It alters our personalities. We seem to appreciate this fact, but only in retrospect.

- Dan Gilbert